When an event occurs in your app, Chative will send a message to every active Webhook:
Webhook requirement:
Your webhook must meet the following requirements:
The webhook must be HTTPS (TLS).
The server should respond with HTTP 200 status code.
The server should accept any unexpected event type without returning an error.
What is verify token?
This is your secret key, which is usually optional when creating your webhook.
It is best to protect the endpoints which your webhooks invoke. This prevents unauthorized actions
on your server, and better protects your users from any suspicious activity.
You should set a shared secret key on your webhook, which can be used to validate the request came
from Chative.
Chative will automatically attempt to resend a webhook if it does not receive a 200 status code as a
response. Chative will retry the request up to five times, with a pause of 5 seconds between each
The webhook will continue to be retried until one of the following happens:
The webhook responds with a 200 status code, indicating a successful response.
The maximum number of retry attempts (5) is reached.
If the webhook fails to succeed after five attempts, it will be considered a
will not be retried again, and will be
List of webhook deactivation reasons:
The webhook was deactivated because we couldn't reach the webhook URL.
The webhook was deactivated because the organization's plan was downgrade from business.
reactivate a webhook, you can
reactivate the webhook manually in the Chative app.